maandag 30 december 2013

Man vermoord buurman om schaakpartner te hebben in de hemel.

Een Chinees wilde zelfmoord plegen, maar bedacht dat er in het hiernamaals misschien niemand zou zijn waartegen hij kon schaken, dus nam hij zijn buur maar mee...

Zie dit artikel:

Man kills neighbor before taking own life to have a chess partner in death


A 54-year-old man in Jinhua, Zhejiang province killed his neighbor before committing suicide so that he could have a chess partner after death, according to notes found at the scene.The 54-year-old man, surnamed Liao, and his neighbor were both found dead at the neighbor's house on Tuesday. Police believed that Liao strangled his neighbor to death. Drugs and notes were also found at the scene.Liao is thought to have committed suicide over family conflicts. Afraid to be alone even in death, he killed his neighbor too, his notes said.

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